Welcome to the website of Yangzhou Runbang Machinery Co., Ltd.
YANGZHOU STATE RUN MACHINERY CO.,LTD. is a member of China Beverage Industry Association, China Wine Industry Association and China Food Industry Association Beer Professional Committee. The company is located in the beautiful Beishan Industrial Park of Yangzhou, 100 meters away from the exit of the thin West Lake of Yangli Expressway.
Yemen has been unable to implement normal power supply, and ...
BEIJING, March 18, China New Network (Reporter Sun Zifa) Peo...
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issu...
Address: No. 10 Qingfeng Road, Hangjiang District, Yangzhou City TEL:0514-87668576 FAX:0514-87668776 WEB:13905254440
13705257549 13373678278 Website:www.yzrbjx.com Mai:liuhg@yzrbjx.com Yangzhou Runbang Machinery Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved Su ICP Bei13023619Number Technical support:Shi Dewei Technology