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Development Trend Analysis of China's Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Industry

2017-11-14 Hits:55
At present, there are many kinds of mechanical and electrical products in China, but generally speaking, the system efficiency is relatively low, and it has been in a state of inefficient operation for a long time. Some enterprises that produce mechanical and electrical systems lack awareness of the economic benefits brought by mechanical and electrical systems, or have obstacles to the technical problems of energy-saving transformation of mechanical and electrical systems. At present, there are many kinds of mechanical and electrical products in China, but generally speaking, the system efficiency is relatively low, and it has been in a state of inefficient operation for a long time. Some enterprises that produce mechanical and electrical systems lack awareness of the economic benefits brought by mechanical and electrical systems, or have obstacles to the technical problems of energy-saving transformation of mechanical and electrical systems. The industry believes that although energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment has been in a cold and hot state for a long time, the promotion and application of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment will make substantial progress under the promotion of low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction policies.
In 2013, China's total import and export of mechanical and electrical products exceeded US$2 trillion, reaching US$2.1 trillion, becoming the world's largest trading country of mechanical and electrical products for four consecutive years, an increase of 290 times compared with 1980. Among them, exports increased from $1.56 billion to $1.26 trillion, accounting for 57.0% of goods exports from 8.6%.
From the 1980s, China mainly exports primary products such as metal products, machinery and equipment. By 2013, the proportion of high-tech products in the export of mechanical and electrical products reached 50.5%. Over the past 30 years, China's mechanical and electrical products export categories have changed from fewer to more, technological level has changed from low to high, market competitiveness has changed from weak to strong, and the overall structure has undergone fundamental changes. The exuberant demand of import maintenance also plays an important role in accelerating the pace of technological transformation of enterprises and promoting the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure.
At present, China is in the key stage of accelerating industrial development. The large-scale and wide-ranging mechanical and electrical equipment is the main terminal energy-consuming equipment of industrial enterprises, which consumes a large amount of power energy every year. In order to speed up the elimination of backward production capacity and energy-consuming equipment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued a number of "Catalogues of Elimination of High Energy-consuming and Backward Mechanical and Electrical Equipment (Products).
_There are many kinds of mechanical and electrical products in China, but generally speaking, the system efficiency is relatively low, and it has been in a state of inefficient operation for a long time. Some enterprises that produce mechanical and electrical systems lack awareness of the economic benefits brought by mechanical and electrical systems, or have obstacles to the technical problems of energy-saving transformation of mechanical and electrical systems. The industry believes that although energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment has been in a cold and hot state for a long time, the promotion and application of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment will make substantial progress under the promotion of low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction policies.
In the 12th Five-Year Plan, it is clearly pointed out that the market share of household appliances and office equipment with first-class energy efficiency will reach 70% by 2015; the energy efficiency access of fans, pumps, transformers and other equipment will reach the international advanced level; the energy consumption of industrial added value above scale will decrease by about 21% compared with 2010, and the energy consumption will reach 670 million tons of standard coal. This will undoubtedly accelerate the process of eliminating backward mechanical and electrical equipment and the promotion of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment.
_In this regard, experts said that with the vigorous implementation of national energy-saving emission reduction and the gradual implementation of the policy of high-efficiency energy-saving motor subsidy askjeeves, the high-efficiency energy-saving motor industry will usher in explosive growth. In the next few years, the proportion of energy-saving motor equipment in the domestic newly added small and medium-sized mechanical and electrical equipment will reach more than 60%, and the market scale of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment will reach about 50 billion yuan.
Experts said that according to the previous ideas of energy saving and emission reduction, on the one hand, we should speed up the promotion of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment, on the other hand, we should eliminate backward mechanical and electrical equipment. With the elimination of high energy-consuming mechanical and electrical equipment, what are the functions and characteristics of the corresponding plunger pumps, a number of energy-saving mechanical and electrical products will be supported by policies, showing a relatively rapid growth trend. At present, China is at the critical stage of accelerating industrial development. Large-scale and wide-ranging mechanical and electrical equipment is the main terminal energy-using equipment of industrial enterprises, which consumes a large amount of power energy every year. Reporters found that in order to speed up the elimination of backward production capacity and backward energy-consuming equipment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued a number of "high energy-consuming backward mechanical and electrical equipment (products) elimination catalogue".
_Energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment adopts new design concept, new technology and new materials to improve the output rate by reducing the loss of electromagnetic energy, thermal energy and mechanical energy. Compared with the standard mechanical and electrical equipment, the energy-saving effect of energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment is very obvious, usually can improve the efficiency of about 4%, energy-saving mechanical and electrical equipment market prospects are promising.

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